What are tooltips?
Tooltips are unobtrusive messages that provide the user with simple information when hovering over a page element.
Tooltips are anchored to the page element in which they are referencing.
These messages should not be critical for the user to read and there should be no action included within them.
Tooltips trigger on hover and remain active until the user is no longer hovering over that page element. A 200ms dissolve transition fades tooltips on and off the page.
When to use tooltips
Use a tooltip to help users understand unknown or unfamiliar objects that are not described directly on the page.
To provide information to users when they need it, and to help free up screen space
Use a tooltip when a control does not have a text label to explain it.
Tooltip anatomy
- Body - Centered above page element
- Text - Centered within Tooltip
- The tooltip positioning will default to the top of whatever page element is being hovered.
- Special use cases may arrive in which the bottom, right, and left tooltip positions may be used if there is not sufficient space to display the tooltip, such as a top bar tooltip.
Best practices
- Tooltips should include short, descriptive text that is succinct enough to remain on one line.
- In special cases, this text may flow onto a second line within the tooltip. However, if the text is too complex or an action needs to be taken, you may need to consider a different delivery option for this information.